The church in Odessa


We enjoy reading the Bible, praying, singing, and experiencing Christ. To facilitate this, we have several types of meetings throughout the week:

Lord’s Day Meetings

Lord’s Table Meeting

We meet together on the Lord’s Day to break bread and drink the cup of blessing in remembrance of our Lord. Following the Lord’s Table is a fellowship time where each member has an opportunity to fellowship with the church.

Time/Location: 10:00am-11:00am/Church Meeting Hall

Prophesying Meetings

We practice to have a prophesying meeting based on 1 Corinthians 14, where every member of the Body of Christ is encouraged to share their portion of Christ for the building up of the Church.

Time/Location: 11:00am-12:00pm/Church Meeting Hall

Weekly Meetings

Prayer Meetings

Every Tuesday evening, we have a prayer meeting in mutuality where each member of His Body can function to pray for the Lord’s interests both locally and throughout the earth. Some weeks, the whole church in Odessa assembles together to pray; other weeks the prayer meetings are held in small groups in various homes (see weekly announcements).

Time/Location: 7:00pm on Tuesdays(Midland)/Wednesday(Odessa) at Saint's House

Home Group Meetings

Throughout the week, we also have home group meetings of around ten to thirty people. These groups meet together in different homes to enjoy God’s Word and to practice meeting together “day by day and house to house” based on Acts 2:46-47.